Home Business Elon Musk’s X Hides All News Headlines Sparking Off New Fight With Media Groups

Elon Musk’s X Hides All News Headlines Sparking Off New Fight With Media Groups

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Elon Musk’s social media venture, X, formerly recognized as Twitter, has recently undergone notable adjustments in how it showcases news articles distributed by its users. This transformation is poised to escalate tensions between the platform and media entities.

Elon Musk, the renowned billionaire entrepreneur, has consistently expressed his reservations about what he describes as the “legacy media.” He ardently contends that X serves as a superior source for information and news.

Nevertheless, Musk has clarified that the latest alteration concerning the presentation of news articles on X primarily serves “aesthetic” purposes. News links and shared articles on the platform will now be depicted solely as images, devoid of accompanying textual content.

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, a deal worth $44 billion, in the previous year eventually led to the platform’s rebranding as X. Consequently, a series of substantial changes were introduced, including a reduction in the workforce, a move that drew criticism, especially for allowing previously banned conspiracy theorists and extremists back onto the platform, prompting several advertisers to withdraw their support.

The actions of Musk have also given rise to numerous controversies, involving the intermittent banning and reinstating of journalists affiliated with prominent media outlets such as the Washington Post and CNN. Consequently, some media organizations have opted to cease their contributions on X.

During early August, a collection of French news agencies, including AFP, initiated legal proceedings against X, levelling accusations of copyright infringements. Musk’s recent comments reflect a reduced reliance on traditional news sources, as he remarked, “I scarcely engage with legacy news these days. What is the merit in perusing a thousand-word article about something already posted on X several days earlier?”

During the initial discussions about the proposed alterations to the presentation of news links in August, Musk asserted, “These modifications are directly from my desk. They are poised to notably enhance aesthetics.” The recent changes, gradually introduced this week, encompass the exhibition of solely an image with a discreet watermark, replacing the conventional practice of displaying a headline alongside an image.

A subset of users has raised concerns regarding the discernibility of news content from other forms of information on the platform, prompting inquiries into the platform’s credibility. In September, the European Commission reported that X exhibited a higher proportion of misinformation and disinformation when compared to other social media platforms.

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