Home Pakistan Imran Khan Requests Open Court Trial in Cipher Case

Imran Khan Requests Open Court Trial in Cipher Case

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Security Concerns and Food Safety

PTI Chairman Imran Khan has requested an open court trial in the cipher case due to concerns about his safety and food quality. During a hearing in Adiala Jail, Imran Khan expressed fears of potential poisoning through jail food. Judge Abul Hasnat Zulqernain acknowledged these security concerns and emphasized the need for a jail trial.

Home-Cooked Food Requested

Imran Khan sought permission to have home-cooked food, citing concerns about the reliability of jail food. He explained that he believed his life was at risk due to the food provided in the jail. The judge pointed out that the jail administration is responsible for food but questioned the guarantee of safety for food brought from outside. Imran Khan also raised issues about limited access to his legal counsel, requesting more extensive meetings with his lawyers to discuss all his cases.

Health Complaint and Legal Process

During the hearing, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Vice Chairman of PTI, complained of back pain. The judge inquired about the provision of a mattress previously ordered by Qureshi. If the mattress has been provided, he can request a charpoy for his comfort.

However, Imran Khan and Shah Mahmood Qureshi were not indicted in the cipher case during this hearing. The investigation report copies will be shared with them, and the indictment will occur at the next hearing. The special court for the Official Secrets Act distributed the investigation report copies among the suspects, despite objections from their lawyers. The next hearing is scheduled for one week from today.

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