In response to widespread public protests regarding soaring electricity bills, the interim government has formulated a strategy to provide relief to the people. Their proposed initiative entails granting a discount of Rs3,000 to individuals who consume up to 300 units of electricity on their bills for October.
Moreover, those facing bills ranging from Rs60,000 to Rs70,000 will benefit from a substantial discount of up to Rs13,000. Discussions are also underway with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regarding the implementation of these discounts.
The IMF has requested additional information to assess the feasibility of approving these relief measures. Across Pakistan, citizens have been demonstrating against exorbitant electricity bills, and the government is actively working to address these concerns.
The government had initially hoped for a swift response from the IMF, aiming for approval within 48 hours. However, as of now, they are still awaiting a decision. The proposed plan involves reducing a portion of the electricity costs (by up to 30%) for the months of August and September, with the intention of passing on these savings to the public over a span of six months, from October 2023 to March 2024.