Home Auto Toyota Pakistan (IMC) Introduces Price Reduction for Fortuner Models

Toyota Pakistan (IMC) Introduces Price Reduction for Fortuner Models

by RP Staff
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Toyota Pakistan (IMC) has recently made a significant announcement, slashing the prices of its Fortuner variants, thereby enhancing their affordability for potential customers. This move is set to delight prospective buyers who have their eyes on Toyota Fortuner models.

Revised Pricing for Fortuner Variants

Here, we present the updated pricing for various Fortuner models:

  1. Toyota Fortuner 2.7 G Petrol: The price has undergone a substantial reduction, plummeting from Rs. 15,809,000 to a more accessible Rs. 14,499,000, marking a substantial decrease of Rs. 1,310,000.
  2. Toyota Fortuner 2.7 V Petrol: The new price for this variant is Rs. 16,999,000, down from its previous cost of Rs. 18,099,000, reflecting a notable price reduction of Rs. 1,100,000.
  3. Toyota Fortuner 2.8 Sigma 5 Diesel: The pricing for this model now stands at Rs. 17,999,000, compared to its former price of Rs. 19,079,000, signifying a considerable price reduction of Rs. 1,080,000.
  4. Toyota Fortuner Legender Diesel: The revised price for this model is Rs. 18,999,000, down from its prior cost of Rs. 20,129,000, resulting in a significant price reduction of Rs. 1,130,000.
  5. Fortuner GRS: This variant has witnessed a substantial price decrease, falling from Rs. 21,089,000 to a more accessible Rs. 19,899,000, marking a significant price drop of Rs. 1,190,000.

It is essential to note that these prices are provisional and subject to change, with the final applicable price being determined at the time of delivery.

The revised prices are ex-factory in Karachi and include Sales Tax, applicable Federal Excise Duty (FED), 1% Central Value Tax (CVT), and the dealer’s commission. Additional charges like transportation, transit insurance, and other fees will be applied at relevant rates.

Customers should be aware that any alterations in government levies, taxes, tariffs, fiscal policies, import policies, foreign exchange rates, etc., could potentially impact the ultimate price.

Moreover, income tax and Withholding Tax (WTH) will be levied from customers in accordance with the applicable tax rates outlined in the Income Tax Ordinance.

These updated prices present a more budget-friendly opportunity for individuals interested in purchasing Toyota Fortuner vehicles, thereby expanding accessibility to a broader customer base for these popular models.

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